Helpful Harmonies Music Therapy is currently accepting inquiries and referrals at this time for music therapy services. Helpful Harmonies is happy to offer a variety of services to the southeast side of Houston.

What is
Music Therapy?
Music Therapy is an established healthcare profession that uses music to address the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals of all ages. Music therapy improves the quality of life for persons who are well and meets the needs of children and adults with disabilities or illnesses. Music therapy interventions can be designed to:
Promote wellness
Managing stress
Alleviate pain
Express feelings
Enhance memory
Improve communication
Promote physical rehabilitation
A common misconception concerning music therapy is that the client or patient has to have some particular music ability to benefit from music therapy — they do not. That there is one particular style of music that is more therapeutic than all the rest — this is not the case. All styles of music can be useful in effecting change in a client or patient’s life. The individual’s preferences, circumstances, and need for treatment, and the client or patient’s goals help to determine the types of music a music therapist may use.
For more information about what music therapy is and isn’t, please visit:
Music Therapy at
Helpful Harmonies
We build capacity in our clients and assist them to achieve their goals. We focus on linking the parts of therapy that can be integrated into daily life to increase the transfer of skills in a practical and lasting way.
Who do we Serve?
Helpful Harmonies Music Therapy is currently accepting inquiries and referrals at this time for music therapy services. Helpful Harmonies is happy to offer a variety of services to the southeast side of Houston.
**Please note, all music therapy sessions can be done in person or through telehealth at the discretion of the parties involved. To see our current COVID-19 protocol and risk in our area, please click here.